Om os
Daggry KBH er et græsrodsinitiativ, der er opstået som reaktion på den manglende adgang til tilstrækkelig støtte og terapi for mennesker, der har været udsat for seksuel og anden patriarkalsk vold. Terapi er dyrt og dermed utilgængeligt for mennesker uden et sådant økonomisk overskud. Derfor vil Daggry tilbyde økonomisk støtte til terapi. Samtidig arbejder vi på at øge bevidstheden om problemstillinger omkring seksuel og patriarkalsk vold. Indtil videre arbejder vi kun i København.
Vi vil tilbyde støtte til terapi til mennesker, der har været udsat for seksuel og kønsbaseret vold. Vi har etableret et netværk af behandlere med forskellig baggrund, som er normkritiske og LGBTQIA+-venlige.
Vi vil også være med til at forbedre samtalen omkring patriarkalsk vold og udbrede viden om tryghed, grænser og afbødende patriarkalsk vold.
About Us
Daggry KBH is a grassroots initiative that arose in response to the lack of access to adequate support and therapy for people who have been exposed to sexual and other patriarchal violence. Mechanisms for healing from patriarchal violence are not equally accessible to all people. Many people have difficulty accessing adequate support due to factors such as class, white-supremacist structures in society, gender, sexuality, citizenship, and more. Along with trying to financially support people access therapy, we aim to spread more understanding of patriarchal violence, as well as how to respond to it in a way that is healing, both on an individual and community level. So far we only work in Copenhagen.
We offer support for therapy to people who have been victims of sexual and gender-based violence. We have established a network of therapists with different backgrounds, who are norm-critical and LGBTQIA+-friendly.
We also want to help improve the conversation around patriarchal violence and spread knowledge about security, boundaries and mitigating patriarchal violence.